Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Legend Gone- A personal tribute to Big Bob

He was a one in a lfetime kind of person to know and those who knew him were better for it. He was known as Big Bob and while he was a giant of a man it doesn't tell the story of who he was. Bob Reilly was a giant of man because of his who he was, not because how big he was.
I met Bob in the summer of 1979. My brother was a Watchung Policeman and often partnered with Bob who was a great softball player. They decided to forma Police team and I was their shortstop. I was an arrogant tempered punk kid who needed discipline and direction hence Bob took me under his wing and gave me the guidence and ass kickings I needed and deserved. Soon I was playing on several of his teams and tournament teams. While I was learning about winning softball games I was learning more about life and being a man from Big Bob. I learned about respect and playing the game right and that translated into living life right. You see when Bob Reilly spoke you listened. He had that type of charisma that when he walked into a room or told a story everyone would listen. His smile always made you smile and he had the discipline to match; you never wanted to piss off Big Bob. The years passed and Bob became Chief of Police after my brother left the force. We all remained the closest of friends and Bob befriended my close friends like Zilli, Chez and Tony Po. We were his boys in the 90's both on and off the field. Bob retired as Chief of Police 5-6 years ago and got a condo on a golf course in Myrtle Beach. Of course before he left he threw himself a golf party at Twin Brooks that my brother Michael and I attended. To no ones surprise Big Bob's foresome won the outing. He simply said this is my "blanking outing" and I'm winning it so go "blank" yourself. Larger than life he was and no questions were asked. It was simply understood and you didn't ever argue with Big Bob.
The "Man" had spoken. Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy ending. About a year ago I learned that Bob had cancer. While it seemed impossible to me that this great man was sick I understood the gravity involved. Bob didn't like Doctors or Hospitals and was "old school" much like myself. My brother got in touch with him and we had hoped to go to Myrtle Beach to see him soon. Then on a Tuesday in late April I got my diagnoses of cancer but decided to keep it quiet for a day or two. On that Thursday I received a call from my brother and there was a tremble in his voice which was uncharacteristic for Michael who's normally a rock. I thought maybe he had heard about my illness but that wasn't the case. Big Bob had lost his battle with cancer and passed away. This giant of a man with the giant heart had broken our hearts with his passing. I know he'd probably had enough of being sick and didn't want to live that way anymore because it wasn't his way to live, not in a hospital and not sick. Not Big Bob. So that Saturday I went to the funeral home in Dunellen and said goodbye to Bob which was hard especially hard just learning of my own illness. It was almost sureal as if it wasn't really happening. My brother was away so I said goodbye and cried or for both of us. I carry that pain with me even today and fight my fight partially for Big Bob because he would have wanted me too. Michael and I loved his man; all those who knew him loved him. He will remain a giant in my heart and I will never forget him or the many things he taught me and the memories we shared. Without question Bob Reilly made me a better man today and I am grateful for that. Thank you Big Bob. I love you man.

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