Wednesday, July 16, 2008

3 more to go!

The last week and a half were pretty tough on Billy. As you would know it, just as he began to feel better, it was time to go to chemo again! Before we get to today, I do want to share a couple of nice stories with you. Over this last weekend, David and Beth Rettino's two children, took it upon themselves to have a Lemonade stand for Billy. Their pictures are added. Billy was very grateful that they thought of him. They didn't even keep any of the money for themselves. On Monday night, they presented him with an envelope. In it was some cash, and two nice messages from the children. Lexy even made Billy a Mets colored bracelet that he has yet to take off. The money went towards today's co-pay at the hospital, and bought Him some coffee and breakfast... thanks again kids!

Last night, Billy had a great time, taking his mind of today's upcoming torture. David and Andrew Reale (sorry if I spelled it wrong)let Billy and his brother use their tickets to the All Star Game. They had excellent front row box tickets, and had a great time...

As for today, it wasn't easy. He was able to sleep, or pretend to sleep through most of it. He is home now, resting. He is getting sicker every time. We had a pleasant surprise today. When Billy had gone for his biopsy he ran into a gal he went to high school working there, named Diane. Today, she had delivered to us, lunch and a very nice card.
Throughout all the crap he has endured, he has had some pretty nice things done for him...
thanks everyone!


Vicki said...

How wonderful that you guys got to go to the All Star Game!!! That's really touching... I think of you every day, Sweetie! Hang in there and get the rest that you need so your body can heal. Love you, Vicki (from Washington)

Pat said...

Hi Mr Bill - Our prayers are with you. Love, Pat Meleo (Mom from softball) and family

billy's friend said...

Billy. I'm a friend of a friend of a friend who has been checking in on your site now and then.

Last summer, I was right where you are now, halfway through chemo, only mine was non Hodgkin's.

Now, I'm in remission and I have a curly mop of hair. I feel good and look healthy.

Hang in there. You'll get here, too. Stay strong.

Jen Singer