Tuesday, June 10, 2008

chemo two 2nd update

Well, it's been a rough week so far. The shot they gave him for the "low blood count" has proven to have more intense side effects then the chemo itself. They gave him a shot that will help grow the white blood cells faster. He has intense pain in his joints, the bones and as of today his spine. Its very strange. Kind of like when you induce labor, it speeds up the process making everything more intense and painful. So, not to downplay in anyway, I think its like growing pains. They are speeding up the growth process and it makes the pain more intense. It is actually "worse" than that sounds, but its the only way I can describe it. He has many more side effects going on, but he is trying pretty hard to hide them.
It has been hard for someone so independent to have to rely on others, and so he still tries to do everything himself, then pays dearly for it. The dogs dont leave his side when he is home. Even when he naps in the guest room, they sleep outside his door.
He goes for his blood test tomorrow, but has nothing else until next week when he gets the chemo again. He is still hanging on to all of his hair, and is even sporting the ugliest little beard. I looked it up on the internet and it is called a "soul patch, or mouche"... If you see him, tell him how much you LOVE it, so he will shave it off! As he has told us all, several times.... "he just gets better looking every day"!
Next weeks' chemo will be Wednesday from 730am til 1 or 2ish.
If anyone needs info about this coming "saturday" email Chez. Or let me know and I will forward the info I have.... thanks as always!


billy's friend said...

still holding onto his hair ????? What hair?


Vicki said...

Hi Sweetie!! I just got the news from Tommy this morning... Knowing how full of piss & vinegar you are, those ugly cells will be dead in no time!

My thoughts and love are with you... Vick ((Peters) Johnson)