Wednesday, June 18, 2008

3 down - 5 to go

Well, here we are again. Billy got his favorite nurse today, so the iv insertion went well. (I think the other nurses are afraid of him. ) He was out of there just about before 1 and slept through a lot of it. They gave him extra "relaxing" medicine so he was fairly pleasant. I stayed until about noon, then Tom Zilly took over.

He did receive some bad news. It appears as though the doctor wants him to get the steroid shot the day after every chemo session. I am not sure which one he hates more. Hopefully, since the white cells don't have to come up so much, the pain wont be as bad as before... at least that's what we are hoping for. The other bad news, was that most likely Zilly will have more hair than him after this week...but as you all know, Billy will still be better looking.

Its about 12:30am, and he is wide awake. Yes, he has sleep aids, and NO, he wont take them. He has had enough drugs for one day! With all of the "rest" he got today, and the queasiness in his stomach, he just cant fall asleep.. I think we need more rain to relax him. He was able to eat dinner, so that's a good thing. (He skipped lunch because after chemo he made Zilly take him shopping so he could buy bird food...priorities....)

He does read every message y'all right, so keep them coming. I am sure he will send a message here soon.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

You're almost half way there, Babe! Think of Lemieux... And damnit take the sleeping pills - "better living through chemistry!"

Wish we could've joined in on the festivities.

I love you, Vick (Johnson)