Monday, November 24, 2008

Something to be "Thankful" for

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Yes I do have reason to be thankful as I have learned that I am getting healthy again . I met with Dr. Greenberg on Friday and he assures me I am in complete remission from my cancer. He added that I should be the poster boy for lymphoma as my recovery went remarkably well considering where I was at from the beginning. While I am thankful for the news please understand I accept it with guarded optimism since my sister Nancy, who lost her battle with this disease, also went into remission quickly only to suffer a second battle she could not overcome.

I know I'm fortunate and we need to stay on top of this thing. For now I will be screened every 3 months but my prognosis is excellent. Nancy was treated differently than I, not nearly as aggressively as I have been. That was 1993-1994 and much progress has been made in this field therefore my confidence is strong as always. I owe much of my strength to all of you whom have supported me throughout. My team, my unit of strength. All of you who have stood by me are a part of my success and I am grateful to you all.

So in a season of "Thanks" I say thankyou beginning with Wendy and Zill who were by my side during chemo and the real bad days and saw me at my worse. Wendy never wavered when I was beat up and battered....but never broken. I can't thank her enough and I know that. I am thankful for my many friends who wrote me, emailed and sent cards. I'm thankful for the poker game and fund raiser that got me through financially when my commissions disappeared. I'm thankful for Ellen making the trip frpm Point Pleasant just to watch me shake while I was getting chemo. I'm thankful for Domenica from Sloan Kettering for reminding me that there's things worth fighting for and that I could beat this thing.

Back in April when we found the cancer I set a personal goal to be healthy by Thanksgiving and together we've reached my goal. Never alone, all of you by my side, I'm getting stronger every day. So yes this will be a Happy Thanksgiving for me, one to remember for sure.

Happy Thanksgiving you guys.

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