Thursday, May 22, 2008

Billy 1 chemo 0

Yesterday was day 1 of chemotherapy and I entered the program skeptical and less than enthused. My nurse spent the first 20 minutes explaining all the side effects the 4 different drugs they use have. There's the old favorites vomiting and diarrea, mouth soars, flu symtoms hot flashes, fever, body soars nausea and general tiredness. Then they add the hair loss,eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair...nice. Then they discuss the possible weakening of the heart, lungs and liver and that was a joy. Now it was time for me to get up and take a walk to clear my head. I managed to force my way back to chemo central and sat in my recliner amongst the dozen other victims whom all seemed to be at peace with their plights while I was not, probably because I was day 1. As the IV was put into my vein and the poison eneterd my body I knew my life had been forever changed. Today I am a cancer victim and shortly I will be a cancer survivor. At least that is my plan. Regardless I know I'll always have that label "C" next to my name but you know what who cares. When I get back to 100 % I'll be back on the pitchers mound and I will be kickin all your butts all over again and how sweet will that be. After a long 7 hour day I wobbled home and had those 2 smiling faces waiting for me Joey and Jayne my 4 legged joys just dying to go to the park so off we went. I managed to keep the dogs minivan on the road enough to get us there and they had fun as always so it was worth it. Later I had a little soup and some tea and got some sleep but not much. I did not vomit,no fevers or shakes , other than general tiredness really nothing at all. Hence i feel like Day 1 I kicked chemos ass so it's Billy 1 chemo 0. Take that nurse Ratchet. Finally I want to thank all you guys who have been supporting me the phone calls mean so much. I have gotten many unexpected well wishes from old friends like Donny Mason, friends in Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina. Old high school friends like Diana and Robby Takelszyn.--oopponents like Stumpy and Jimmy Dowling thankyou. My close friends whom there are too many to name but you know who you are...thankyou. Wendy and Zill whom I'd be lost without you've both done so much. And my new friends rom Sloan Kettering Steve who has brain cancer and Domenica who has become my email stay cancer free for that beautiful family and for yourself you are such a kind heart and I thank you for the encouragement. And of course my brother and sisters you all have been great and no Jacqueline I'm not a dork you are. I love you all and I hope to be 100% by Thanksgiving. Next chemo is 2 weeks and I plan to make it 2 zip. We'll see.

Thank you Billy


JC said...

Hey Mr. Billllll,
Love the softball pic. :-)
Chris and I were wonderng (in your spare time) and you're fellin' up to it, can we get you something like crocket needles, basket weaving or perhaps something more up your alley, like a car model or two.. but be careful with that crazy glue....the fumes are really addictive.. :~, I heard sniffing this sh*&(& will give you a nice high, and make you feel realllll gooood. :-)probably better than that Chemo..
We love you.. Thinking of you !!!
The guys miss you at softball, but you already know that !!!
Our best, to MR. BILLLLLL..
Hugs & Kisses C&J..

Unknown said...

Billy - Love your attitude man, keep it up, keep kicking ass!!

Bob Pierce

billy's friend said...

Hey Billy,
From one old hoot to another, just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you always, and wishing you the best. Also wanted to let you know that I have your uniform ready, as soon as you are, to play on the good Phoenix team LOL. Get well soon, we need you,Nadeau throws meat. Talk to you soon.
Al Faleski

billy's friend said...

your doing great uncle billy! keep going!!! i love you! Katie

billy's friend said...

You don't know me but I work with Jean (Zilli) and have been asking Jean how things are going with you. Glad to see you have such a positive attitude. My father is in the midst of battling cancer as well, so I am familiar with all the meds / ports / treatments, etc.. Just remember: Don't let chemo belittle you... You are a strong man and the side effects are reality: don't hide them. (My father is/does and that sucks.) And lean on your loved ones, no matter how annoying you might feel you are to them. They love you and WANT to help. Your fellow "victims" are another good source of support.

I will keep you in my thoughts and will ask Jean about your progress as often as I can. If you should ever need a strangers' ear, I'm more than willing to help as well. Jean can tell you how to find me. (see! Even strangers want to help!! :-)

Sending you strong cancer a$$-kicking thoughts,
Megan P.

TGreves said...

Hey Uncle Bill -
You'll be strong and pull through with flying colors. Look on the bright side, you don't need to worry about the hair loss to much.
Talk to soon

Timmy Magu

billy's friend said...

I'm still my mother's favorite.

billy's friend said...

Love Jacqueline